
Articles Tagged: consultation

SMILE Surgery

7 Things You’ll Love Just 1 Week After SMILE

I’m one week post-SMILE! It’s officially been one week since I became the first patient in Michigan to have SMILE for astigmatism and I’m happy to report that I am seeing better than ever! I’ve had a lot of time to think about the reasons why I was so happy to have laser vision correction, and the ways my life has already changed.

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SMILE Procedure

I Did It First: SMILE with Astigmatism

Part two in Amanda’s journey–Why did she choose SMILE for Astigmatism?

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Astigmatism LASIK

Astigmatism and The Day Before SMILE Eye Surgery

Laser Eye Institute’s own Amanda Zellar is set to have SMILE for Astigmatism THIS WEEK! She’s going to be the first patient at our office to have this revolutionary new procedure, and wrote about how excited she is to have Dr. Haddad perfect her vision.

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We’re SMILE-ing at this BIG NEWS!

Our most advanced procedure, ReLex SMILE, has been approved for a wider range of patients, including those with astigmatism. If you’ve been waiting for this news, now’s the perfect time to have our most advanced technology correct your vision!

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Frequently Asked Questions: Part Five

Exactly what your recovery looks like will depend on what type of procedure or procedures you have—recovery from LASIK will be a little different from SMILE, and an little different from LASEK. For most patients who have Lasik, the most popular option, recovery is very quick! You’ll be able to resume most of your regular activities within a day or two.

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Patient Profile: From NoMi to NoGlasses

I’m often flabbergasted while watching a film, like- have trees always been this beautiful??! I live in northern Michigan where we have stunning views of water and winding roads where I can now see details I had never seen before– bugs on flowers, branches on trees across the horizon– the world is truly a stunning and beautiful place.

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3 Reasons Why Monovision Is The Real Deal

Monovision works by having your eyes set to different prescriptions—one eye set for near vision, and the other set for distance. This allows you to have seamless, uninterrupted vision as you move about your day.

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Change Your Life With LASIK (and Jane Austen)

Even the bookish don’t need to hide behind glasses! In an uncommon way, Jane Austen provides inspiration for improving your vision to improve your life.

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We Love Our Police & Law Enforcement Officers!

We’re honoring current and former Law Enforcement (police and federal agents) with preferred pricing on Lasik!

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