
New Year New You LASIK

New Year, New You: Why Now Is The Time for LASIK

2020 is here – can you believe it? New Year’s Resolutions have been set (and some probably broken), and many Michiganders have reflected and committed to improving their quality of life, and the lives of others’ as we entered the new decade.

When we talk about “quality of life”, it can mean many different things to many different people – it could mean spending more time with your kids to losing those extra pounds to taking a little more time on yourself; whatever your commitment is, it’s personal to you. At Laser Eye Institute, we have been rooted in improving the quality of life for Metro-Detroit for over 30 years. We do it in a way that directly impacts their vision; not having to fumble around for your glasses in the middle of the night while you rock your infant baby to sleep, or enjoying a sunset without having to remember your glasses and contacts – THIS is how we help our community.

Now is truly the time to overcome your fears and commit to a better quality of life with Custom LASIK, SMILE, or PRK from Michigan’s best Custom LASIK surgeon, Dr. Dan Haddad from the Laser Eye Institute. Why you may think? I have you covered below!

Best LASIK Doctor

Patient satisfaction for LASIK is at an all-time high

You would probably have never guessed this, but LVC is the safest and most performed elective medical procedure in the world. Patient satisfaction rates exceed 98%, something no other medical procedure can come close to!

So you’ve came, you’ve read, and now you have either made the decision to investigate a little farther, or at least have a better understanding of why now is the time to get Custom LASIK from Dr. Haddad and the Laser Eye Institute.

LASIK technology has never been better

Let’s talk about LASIK technology. It has evolved since it’s U.S. inception in 1995. Traditionally LASIK was performed with a blade, but now the Laser Eye Institute utilizes “NASA Grade” all-laser technology, and the most advanced screening platforms to deliver the most optimal outcomes possible. In fact, most of our patients are seeing 20/20 or better from the results of their procedure! Laser Eye Institute has been featuring all-laser Custom LASIK for over a decade, something many of our competitors can’t say!

Laser Suite LASIK Doctor

We’ve also introduced SMILE, the Next Generation of Custom LASIK in 2017. SMILE is an incredible advancement and achievement for Laser Vision Correction (LVC), putting patients back into their daily routine the very next day. Dr. Haddad was the first in Michigan to perform SMILE, a bladeless, flapless, and more gentle form of LASIK. When I tell my friends and family about SMILE, I summarize it as a “minimally invasive form of Custom LASIK”.

Read more about our LASIK technology

The experienced have even MORE experience

Not all LASIK doctors are created equally. When researching if LASIK is right for you, finding the most experienced doctor is arguably the most important part. Some quick tips include:

  • Find a doctor that has been performing the procedures the longest. Forms of LASIK is an art as much as it is a science and you simply can’t beat experience
  • Find a doctor that has access to options (I.e. LASIK, SMILE, PRK). All eyes are different and there simply isn’t a “one-size fits all” procedure.
  • Find a doctor that is involved in the evolution of LASIK. For example, Dr. Haddad from the Laser Eye Institute has contributed to the evolution of LASIK by discovering new methods to increase the predictability and safety of the surgical procedure.

Read more about Dr. Haddad’s lifetime achievements

Still need some reassurance? Check out our Google, Facebook, and Yelp reviews to see real stories from real patients – and make sure you watch the video from our latest patient experience below!

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David Lemieux, BA from Oakland University is a LASIK expert and marketing professional that has worked with Dr. Dan Haddad and the Laser Eye Institute since 2017. David believes in education and cutting through the noise to deliver facts and opinions about LASIK, SMILE, and all things Laser Vision Correction.