
LASIK Patient Story

Patient Profile: Elaina’s Custom LASIK Story

Today we would like to share Elaina’s story, a Custom LASIK patient of Dr. Haddad’s. We asked her (8) questions about her experience at the Laser Eye Institute.

“Fear” tends to be the largest obstacle to overcome when considering Laser Vision Correction. What was your biggest fear and how did you overcome it?

My biggest fear was going blind. I overcame this by doing research on laser vision correction and finding out that it is one of the safest procedures out there. It is even safer than having your wisdom teeth removed. I also talked to many people who had the procedure done and all of their experiences were great. For those who had the procedure done over fifteen years ago, their vision is still great, which was really comforting and helped me with my fear.

Many patients have “wow factor” moments following their procedure. What was that moment for you?

My “wow factor” moment was (and still is) waking up every morning and actually being able to see what time it is on my clock. For the first month after my procedure, I still kept automatically reaching up to my eyeballs to remove my contacts before bed at night. And each time I did that I had to remind myself that that was no longer a part of my nighttime routine. That made me feel good; knowing that I don’t have to worry about accidentally falling asleep in contacts anymore and being able to see in the middle of the night if I have to get up.

clock lasik

Was there a specific moment that made you say “enough is enough” with glasses and/or contacts?

What made me say “enough is enough” was just the hassle of not being able to see without contacts or glasses. My vision was pretty poor and I hated having to hold something two inches away from my face to see it if I had already taken out my contacts for the night. Also, I have never been a “glasses person”. I tried to avoid wearing my glasses at all costs because I would always get a headache when I wore them and I hated not having that peripheral vision. So, I stuck with contacts for the past fifteen years, but I think I just got to the point where my vision kept getting blurrier and it was frustrating. I just wanted to be able to wake up and see. I hated feeling impaired visually, so I decided to get laser eye correction.

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There are many vision correction in providers in Metro-Detroit, and many of them are devious with their bait and switch $250/eye selling techniques. What made you choose Dr. Haddad and The Laser Eye Institute of Troy for your procedure?

I chose Dr. Haddad and The Laser Eye Institute of Troy because of my diligent research on the web. The overall confidence in Dr. Haddad helped give me the confidence I needed as well. I learned that Dr. Haddad has been doing laser eye surgery the longest in Michigan and is really up to date with the technology. I felt like I could trust Dr. Haddad and his team due to their expertise and that made me feel really comfortable and confident in getting the surgery.

How did the team at Laser Eye Institute make you feel?

The team at Laser Eye Institute made me feel like they genuinely cared about me and my experience there. They were all very welcoming and kind and willing to do whatever they could to make me as comfortable as possible both mentally and physically. I really appreciate all they did for me before, during, and after my procedure.

Anything additional you would like to share about your experience with Laser Eye Institute?

I really like the massage chair that I was put in before my procedure. It was nice and helped me to relax.

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David Lemieux, BA from Oakland University is a LASIK expert and marketing professional that has worked with Dr. Dan Haddad and the Laser Eye Institute since 2017. David believes in education and cutting through the noise to deliver facts and opinions about LASIK, SMILE, and all things Laser Vision Correction.