We believe that clear vision is an important part to living your best life. It’s important for the little things, like watching tv on a lazy Sunday morning—and slightly bigger things, like driving a car or watching a sunset. But your vision is also important for your career, and when you’re in law enforcement, that’s especially true. Police officers understand: perfect vision can mean catching the perp and staying safe.
When you call to schedule your complimentary Lasik consultation, let us know which local law enforcement or federal agency with which you belong, and we’ll extend preferred pricing for your laser vision correction procedure. For the men and women keeping our community protected, it’s the least we can do. If you’re ready to schedule your complimentary Lasik consultation, contact us online or call us today!
Amanda helps patients improve their lives through the power of LASIK. A patient coordinator at Laser Eye Institute, Amanda assists patients through every step in their start-to-vision journey.