
4 Common LASIK Scams — Learn How to Avoid Them!

Some LASIK centers pride themselves on quality, others on the bargain you can get with discounted rates on surgery. Here’s why cheap LASIK is too good to be true.

Is $220 Per Eye Too Good To Be True?

One way that discount surgery centers get you is through bait and switch pricing. These centers will advertise unbelievable prices, some as low as $220 an eye. This is never as good as it looks, because the price you pay is never the advertised rate. Rates like these only go to a few “qualifying” customers. In some cases, “qualifying” can mean patients that wouldn’t need LASIK or Laser Vision Correction—patients who can pass a Michigan Driver’s test without their glasses, or who might not benefit from Laser Vision Correction. One LASIK Center in particular limits qualifying customers to:

prescriptions up to -1.00 with less than -0.50 diopter of astigmatism, assurance plans and upgraded technologies available at additional cost. All other prescriptions $1999-$2299 per eye inclusive of Lifetime Assurance Plan, upgraded technologies available at additional cost.

Prescriptions up to -1.00 with less than -0.50 diopters of astigmatism are patients Dr. Haddad would often counsel against Laser Vision Correction. We never suggest unnecessary procedures. A study published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery suggests patients with minor prescriptions, as in this range, may not see large benefits from Laser Vision Correction.

Bait and Switch Pricing

Another tactic these centers use is to draw you in with a ridiculously low price. Many patients think that even if they don’t qualify for $220/eye, maybe they’ll pay $400/eye. Unfortunately, that is just not the case.

prescriptions up to -1.00 with less than -0.50 diopter of astigmatism, assurance plans and upgraded technologies available at additional cost. All other prescriptions $1999-$2299 per eye inclusive of Lifetime Assurance Plan, upgraded technologies available at additional cost.

For those patients who do need glasses for everyday activities, the price increase from the $220/eye is a an astonishing 900% to 1,360% spike! That doesn’t even include follow up care or “upgraded technologies available at additional cost”! You end up paying separately for testing, follow up care, enhancements, and scam warranties.

Warranty Scams

Warranty scams are another way discount LASIK centers make their money. After you’ve paid for your surgery, they’ll over you a warranty package that’s just as expensive as the procedure, but with very little value. Lifetime warranties can be a scam because they often demand you get an expensive eye exam every year at the same center to maintain the warranty. They also might stipulate you can only have an enhancement under very specific conditions, if your vision is 20/40 or worse, or state that your enhancement can only be done with the same type of laser your original procedure used. This can make patients who are unhappy with their results ineligible for an enhancement.

Inexperienced Surgeons

With cheap surgery centers, you’re paying for the experience of the surgeon, too. Surgeons with decades of experience have often completed tens of thousands of successful surgeries, while discount surgery centers can be a training ground for new surgeons. Asking about the number of successful surgeries your doctor has completed can be a good indicator of how much experience they have in performing LASIK.

Outdated Technology

Another thing to keep in mind when you schedule surgery is the technology of the surgery center. One way that discount centers are able to afford to charge lower than normal rates is through using outdated technology, using techniques that have been replaced, and using older lasers and diagnostic equipment. They often will not be able to perform the newest procedures, which may save you some dollars, but doesn’t make much cents.
In short, remember that you get what you pay for. When it comes to your vision, you don’t want to cut corners and realize after your surgery that cheap doesn’t always mean good deal.

So Why Us?

If you would like to learn more about the technology we use at Laser Eye Institute, or Dr. Haddad’s nearly 30 years of experience in vision correction Request A Consultation. We don’t provide scam warranties, but our price includes two years of comprehensive follow up care. Learn about us at your consultation–but expect to be here awhile. Our consultations are thorough, because we pride ourselves on the best results your eyes can achieve.

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Amanda helps patients improve their lives through the power of LASIK. A patient coordinator at Laser Eye Institute, Amanda assists patients through every step in their start-to-vision journey.